Thursday 18 October 2012

My Top 10 Tips for managing your 'Bad Days'

We all know what I mean when I refer to 'bad' days.
It's those horrible days when your mind will not let go of the negative thoughts and your body just does not want to move. It's those days when you wish the ground would just open up beneath you and carry you away...and nothing, no matter how hard you try can get you out of it.

I have been asked on our Facebook page for advice on getting through the 'bad' days. Here are my top 10 tips on getting through those days

10 Tips for getting through the 'Bad' days of Depression

1.   Get out of the house (Even if you have to force yourself or wear your PJ's)
If only I had this meadow to walk in
Image source here

 2.   Don't set yourself any overwhelming chores or tasks (Make easy meals like toasted sandwiches, steamed veggies, cereal, forget about the big housework task's, stay in your PJ's all day if it makes it easier

3.   Have a movie day (I know it goes against all the parenting advice the professionals say, but Mums with PND don't fit into their 'box'...but dare I say it, let your kids watch a movie. If it means they will sit still for more then 5 minutes and let you sit & have a little time to yourself, then go for it. You NEED ME TIME)
OK you might not look this ecstatic, but that's how my head would feel with 5 minutes of peace!


4.   When the kids are in bed or having a sleep take a warm bath or shower, sometimes it can help relax your tired, tense body and mind.

5.   Listen to music that you find calming ( I find that sometimes when i sing along or listen to the words I stop concentrating on whats going on in my head)

Just not as corny :-)

6.   If your like me and also suffer from anxiety, try to keep busy. (I like to craft or sew. I find its a great distraction and takes concentration. Again anything that gets your mind away from those negative thoughts is going to help you. My crazy Big sister likes to Vacuum when she's stressed, I personally hate my vacuum, but she says that it helps her)

7.   Call a friend or go out for coffee with the kids & a friend
(Try to make it a positive friend or at least someone who will listen with an open heart and provide you with some calm and comforting words of comfort).

8.   Get on YouTube and search for funny Cat's......Have a giggle!

9.   Again GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! I cant stress this one enough. Even if you just walk out the back door in your PJ's.....The fresh air and sunshine (if its there) will make a huge difference, it really does I promise.

 10.   Do some yoga. (You might not be able to do the meditation, but try the breathing while you do the's actually amazing the difference it makes to your body and mind. My yoga takes me 15mins a day and it makes all the difference).

Sorry I'm stuck on the cats now

And remember....Tomorrow could be a perfect day. It does pass, the thoughts disappear and life looks rosy again. So hold onto that knowledge that tomorrow could be a better day xox

What tips do you have to get through the 'Bad Days'?

Thank you for reading,


  1. Look for local things to do which can be a great way to meet and make new friends, story time at libraries, playgroups, play centres, playgrounds. They can be a great way to break up a day :-)

    1. Great ideas! The list is growing! The park and playgroup and all the Mum friends I have made help me :-)

  2. All of your tips are wonderful, Christina... And so true. It's often hard to find the motivation to do something when you're having one of "those" days, but if you can find it within yourself it definitely makes a huge difference.

    My escape is the shower... In fact, I blogged about this not long ago, have attached it here for others to have a look at if interested:

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. I know it's so hard to push yourself on those days, sometimes I fond myself just sitting not wanting to even make myself feel better. But once I do manage to get up & moving it makes the day a little easier to get through until bed time :-)

      And yes how great does a nice warm shower feel!

  3. Your top ten is tops! Loving the image selection to go with this blog post. A big fat glass of wine once the kid/s are in bed always helps :)

    1. Yes the did that not make the list! And coffee! I'll need to rewrite the list :-)
