Thursday 15 September 2011

R U OK? Day and Not being OK

A few weeks ago I blogged about my early days with Postnatal Depression (can be found here). Now while I was honest and straight forward in my account I did leave a few things out. I did this partly out of fear and partly because I was ashamed.

But in the spirit of R U OK?Day I will come out and complete my story.

Back on 2008 when my son was born and in the months that followed, I was not OK. I was very unwell, and very alone. 
I thought about Killing myself ALLOT, to the point where sometimes it consumed me, it was the only thing that got me through the day knowing that I had an out.
I was very close to going through with my plans quite a few times and it was only by fluke each time that I did not.

The first time a man from down the road whom I never met knocked on the door to ask if he could take some of the flowers from the front garden, I said he could and closed the door. A minute later another knock on the door, it was the same man. He was holding out a rose cut from my garden and said "This is for you, you look sad and I hope your OK. My wife loves roses and that's why I came and asked to take some from your garden today, it always makes her smile. We also both love to chat so if your alone please come knock on our door"
A simple act of kindness from a stranger saved me that day.

Another time it was the simple act of hearing my son cry, knowing that I was needed by someone was enough.

And yet another time my Child Health Nurse saved me when she recognised something in me and offered to get me help.

I've often thought about what I would have said to someone if they had asked me if I was OK? 
You know I would have lied, I would have said I was fine. But it's not so much my answer that would have mattered, it would have been the act of someone caring enough to ask me if I was OK.

You see when you feel so miserable and alone in the world, sometimes it's enough to know that your not alone, that someone cares enough just to ask.

There are people out there right now needing someone to care, needing someone to ask them if they are OK, to acknowledge them. 
They could be walking confidently down the street with a smile on their face, they could be your next door neighbours, your best friend, your work mate.....PLEASE I beg you, ask them if they are OK, show them some kindness.

You could be the one thing in their day that made a difference.

Let's get out there and start Sharing, Caring and Helping each other!

Need help now...Please call and ask for help xox


  1. There is so much power in one moment isn't there! I bet that neighbor and no idea when he knocked on your door.
    Thanks for sharing this. The more of us that share our story the better.

  2. It must have taken a lot of courage (and no doubt many rewrites) to share this. Thank you. Beautiful and true. I hope you are in a better place at the moment.
