Wednesday 14 November 2012

In the words of a 4 year old

Interview with Zaccie

This is Zaccie, He's 4 years old, Full of beans and attitude, And he loves to be cheeky.

Who is your best friend: Tina!! (That would be me!)
No finished Mummy.............................
"My friends are Ethan & Tate and I like the Mummies too (Watch out!), Erica & Vicky. I have seen Daddies too, they are tall". And Hunter, he plays with me at Dana's work (Daycare) and we have same blood (I think he means because they are related). Also Lightning McQueen & Daddy are my friends and we like to jump & play in dirt (This explains Daddy pockets spilling dirt every time I go to wash them).

My Favorite Food is:
Runny macaroni...its yummy with sauce & Salad. (I don't ever recall him asking for salad...guess what he's having for dinner!)

What food do you think is yuck:
My dinner & Poo. Poo is funny, but yucky to eat. Puppy Poo is bad and not a biscuit (So glad he can tell a biscuit and a dog turd apart!)

I'm really good at:
Painting, Jumping, playing cars, planes and dirt...I really like dirt, not in my mouth No

My favorite toy is:

Cars with wheels & red Monsters

My Favorite Book:
Huff & Puff and Bear Hunting



When I grow up I want to be:
go to work & drive Mummy car & drive boats

Why does the sun shine: Because it likes the rain

Where does the sun go when it gets dark outside: it goes to bed and dreams of cars, planes and dirt because i think the sun really likes dirt like me

Who's the coolest person on the earth?
Zaccie is!!!

1 person who make me laugh: Dana

One word that describes me: weird (HaHa I cant disagree!)

I am really happy when: i go home

I am really sad when: Big girls wont play with me at the park and say Zaccie has germs (Let's keep it that way for a few more decades please!)

My worst nightmare: mummy fixes my bad dreams

Things that make me mad: not eating my toast, puppies look hungry so i have to share

I like my Dad because: He is funny, he does a good monster noise & reads good

I like my mummy because: she makes yummy toast & talks to Shazzy who is my friend too

Who's in your Family? The puppies & lightning mcqueen

And to share a giggle....This is a conversation Zaccie had with the Man at our local Milkbar this week

Zaccie: My Mummy is working now
Milk bar Man: Ohhh Where?
Zaccie: She is making money at the Man place
Milk Bar Man raises his eyebrows at me: "Well we all have to make a buck somehow"
Me: No No No.....Not how it sounds,
Zaccie: Turns to me............Yes Mummy, Daddy told me that you work at The Man Shop to make money!

Thank you Zaccie, He now thinks I'm either a stripper or worse!!!
Needless to say we wont be back for ice-creams anytime soon!

And just to clarify I have started casual work for a Hardware retailer, it involves wearing lots of clothes.

What funny things have your children said? Have you sat down and asked your child some questions and just been amazed at how much they actually do know about their world around them?

Thank you for reading,

1 comment:

  1. I love this, it really made me laugh!

    Here's one that we had today:

    "Mummy, I can't walk anymore, I need you to carry me"

    Err, no, you have legs, you can walk

    "I can't walk, I have a broken hip!"

